02 Feb rmc2 – First Edition
SO, here it is – my first blog!
As the first episode of my blog, this one might be a bit different from all the others that follow. In it I want to discuss trends, news and hot topics around leadership and the corporate world, from which I want to share interesting stories and insights from “real life” (anonymously of course!).
What happened so far… although 2019 was rather marked by getting ready for self-employment, I was able to significantly expand my network and to get some first projects off the ground. Now that my brand-new website is up and running, even those who don’t know me will be able to see at first glance what my Coaching and Consulting business is all about.
My focus for 2020 is raising awareness of rmc2 and becoming the go-to partner for people and organizational development.
How? I hear you cry… Quite simply by doing an outstanding job and of delivering bespoke solutions with real impact.
„…and this newly acquired knowledge will be what creates a bigger impact for the next client.“
So far, so good! I get that the collective skills and experience gathered over more than 30 years (or 50 or 100 for that matter) of successfully working in state-of-the-art companies is a great starting point. But I also get that every new day, every new situation, every new project will teach me something new, and that this newly acquired knowledge will be what creates a bigger impact for the next client. And if these new experiences, this new knowledge allows everyone involved to have loads of fun and we create amazing results for the customer while we’re at it, what more can you ask for?
I’m looking forward to all the new challenges in my new endeavor and I wish everybody a great, exciting, successful but first and foremost a healthy 2020!
See you here again soon!
Rainer Mueller
NB: Do you have a topic you’re interested in you’d like to see discussed here? Drop me a note (rainer.mueller@rmc2.de), I’m looking forward to your suggestions or feedback!